Acquired Brain Injury Day Programs - NEW

A photo of a virtual attendees at a PCLC workshop

"I really enjoy the virtual day programs. I wish I was able to join sooner. Having access to this program has brought joy. For example math club: I love math (calculus), but after my injury doing simple math was hard. Trying a workbook on my own I failed. But the program offers expert tools and support that helps with success. Something I thought I lost, with the right support I am actually relearning. Having access to this program makes so much difference, because it gives hope." - PACE Client

Our day programs are held virtually, and at the wheel-chair accessible Paula Cassin Learning Centre and offer training, recreational activities and social support.  Our programs are designed to meet the needs of our clients and are created with client and staff input.  Our workshop offerings vary but, the most popular focus on developing computer skills, social interaction, cooking and health and wellness.  The programs provide opportunities to learn and practice new skills and/or to "re-learn" and practice old skills and information impacted by the acquired brain injury (ABI).

Clients are partnered with Coaches, who help define clear goals, keep them on track, and provide extra support if needed.  Once a client has successfully acquired their skill they can then apply for our Community program to work with a Coach to help them transfer that skill to their home or community.

  • Our program runs Tuesday through Saturday.
  • Our program sessions run approximately 10-12 weeks.
  • Space in our programs is limited.  Due to the high demand of some of our programs, we do try to give everyone an opportunity to participate.
  • Participants must bring their own lunch and light snacks are provided.

View our summer 2024 program calendar here.

Eligible candidates

  • Are 18 - 65 years of age;
  • Have a mild/moderate acquired brain injury (must provide medical documentation confirming diagnosis);
  • Are able to work on short and/or long-term goals and make a commitment to the program;
  • Do not present a harm to themselves or others;
  • Are independent for all transportation and personal support requirements, as one-to-one assistance is not available.

What you need to know

  • There are no waiting lists for any programs
  • Program participation is FREE (unless indicated for certain activities).
  • You can register at any time - you don't have to attend the entire session. 
  • There is no limit to the number of programs that you can register for and participate in.
  • If you have never participated before and would like to check out our facility and programming, please call to arrange a visit at (416) 789-7806, extension #302 (Marsha) or extension #312 (Sherri).

To access our programs

An application to PACE for services can be made through the Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network.  The Toronto ABI Network offers a single point referral service to publicly funded member agencies including hospital-based brain injury rehabilitation, long-term care facilities, and community-based services in Toronto.  Any individual can apply for our acquired brain injury day programs directly.  Any caregiver or professional can make a referral to PACE’s ABI Day  programs through the Toronto ABI Network.

Client Story - Meet Maria

Photo of Maria, PACE Day Program ClientMaria lives at Edwards Manor – PACE’s Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Supportive Housing program and she actively participates in the ABI Day programs at the Paula Cassin Learning Centre. She has received services from PACE for almost a year.

Maria fell two and half years ago. She ended up having brain surgery a year ago (her tumor was benign) and as a result she could not function and lost her mobility. Maria has come a long way in getting her life back. She uses a walker to get around and still experiences numbness in her fingertips. It was her social worker at the hospital that referred her to PACE.

Maria is very sociable and loves participating in the ABI day programs. Maria enthusiastically rhymes off, “I joined all the programs. My favorite is cooking – that is exciting. Now we are doing arts and crafts where I learned how to draw cartoons. We do chair yoga on Fridays and bowling. Saturdays we do bingo.” Maria is very grateful that with PACE’s supports she now has her independence back.